Thanks to the Creative Artists' Agency for their wonderful effort working in the garden!
Clara the Farmer Visits the Classroom!
Last week, 200 Mark Twain Middle School students attended our Farmer in the Classroom program and were treated to a visit from Clara, of Tutti-Frutti Farms, located outside of Lompoc. Clara brought all kinds of fruit and vegetables from her farm; carrots, tangerines, avocados, squash, white and sweet potatoes and more, and taught us through stories and photographs just how their organic farm works to grow and distribute their delicious produce. She also helped explain how important the nutrients from all fruits and vegetables are for our health. Specifically, Clara explained the health benefits of the carrots from her farm; how each carrot contains a high amount of vitamin A, which helps our eyes, skin, and brain. She brought carrots for all to taste, along with tangerines, and students happily munched on these organic goodies. Students had an opportunity to ask Clara questions. Most were curious about whether she liked being a farmer. She loves it and invited students to think about becoming farmers themselves!
Food, Health, Medicine, and...Cheetos?
Seven wonderful UCLA Pediatric Residents came to visit our students and talk about the intersection of health, food, medicine and their individual journeys and career paths. See more of their visit below!
Finding Hope Through Anne Frank's Window
From her only window to the outside world, Anne Frank could see the sky, birds and a majestic chestnut tree. "As long as this exists," Anne wrote in her diary, "how can I be sad?" In preparation for their trip to the Museum of Tolerance and visit to the Anne Frank exhibit, 6th and 7th grade history and language arts students reflected on Anne Frank and her quotes on how the view from her window changed. They chose a spot in the garden, wrote about their feelings on what they saw in their "window" and will revisit their spot and feelings in late spring.
Herb Bouquets for the Holidays
Students created herb bouquets for their families and holiday cooking. Sprigs of rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage and bay leaves were tied with cinnamon sticks and star anise. Happy holidays to all our students, parents, partners, supporters, and friends!
Digging for Biodiversity and Slow Food
8th grade students planted Makah Ozette potato seeds to be part of the Slow Food USA School Garden Project: A Potato with a Past. Students will plant, document and photograph growth of the plants in the two beds and will harvest and cook the unique, nutty fingerling. The Ozette was a staple in the diet of the Pacific Coast Native Americans of the Makah Nation and brought directly by the Spanish from Peru to the Americas.
Making a Compost Cake with the F.B.I.!
Students learn to compost, sort waste, and make an Edible Schoolyard "compost layer cake" with the FBI (fungi, bacteria and invertebrate)!
Studying Ancient Sumeria in the Garden
Ms. Alvarez's class connects their study of Sumeria by building an irrigation system, levees, canals, reservoirs and dams for their crops.
UCLA Freshmen Help Spruce Up the Garden
Fifty wonderful students from UCLA worked in the hot sun digging out weeds in the Seeds to Plate school garden paths and beds to prepare them for the students' fall planting season!
Mark Twain Students Volunteer with Heal the Bay
MTMS 6th grade students participate in an Aqua Explorers field trip and beach clean up sponsored by Heal the Bay and Project Wet. It was a great opportunity to learn about how we can and should take care of the earth!