Spring is around the corner and your support will make a significant difference! Consider making a DONATION to help us fulfill our mission of serving over 2,000 LAUSD families in 2025.


Nutrition, Recess, and Lunch

Once students get a taste of coming to the garden with their classrooms, many are hooked and want to come to the garden during their free time at school. Guided by a UCLA intern, students can work on projects in the garden ranging from planting seeds to feeding worms or taking care of plants.  Other students choose to cook. They harvest and learn to cook produce from the garden.  Many students are tasting many kinds of vegetables for the first time…and they like them!


Special Projects

Through the UC Global Food Initiative grant, our students started a “No Waste Wednesday” campaign.  At lunchtime, students encourage other students at lunchtime to donate their untouched food to the share table which then will be shared with a local food pantry.  Other lunchtime food waste and plastics are targeted for the garden’s compost and the school’s recycling bins. The program was such a success that the Leadership class students have adopted this campaign as an ongoing project.


After School

The Farmers Market Club offers an opportunity for students to delve deeper into growing food and understanding their role in the ecosystem. Students participate in marketing, selling products, and experience running a business. When harvest is abundant, produce is distributed to students whose families might not otherwise have access to garden-fresh produce.

Sponsored by the Abbot Kinney Festival Assocation